
Girlsway - The Bachelorette 2: Office Intrigue

Publish Date:09.03.2023
Single woman Charlotte Stokely wakes up, languid from the prior night. She is confused for a few seconds, gripping at her head as she attempts to recollect what happened the previous evening. Her eyes go wide as the recollections come flooding back - the lap dance, her hands going onto the stripper's body, going down into the undies, FUCKING the stripper while everybody watched... and afterward one final stunning memory surfaces: her closest companion Kira Noir recording everything on her telephone! She scrambles to track down her OWN telephone, and when she tracks down it, dials a number. She argues out loud for Kira to get.

At her office, Kira gazes at the vibrating telephone in her grasp, whose guest ID shows that it's Charlotte calling. She obstructs the call and continues work at her work area. Following a couple of moments of work, in barges Jade Bread cook, the stripper from the earlier evening. What is she doing here? Kira murmurs. There are individuals who work here who were at the party, she shouldn't have come! The irritated Jade makes sense of that she's hanging tight until the end of her cash. What rest of her cash, Kira asks furiously, she was at that point paid. Not for the moving, Jade says, for the OTHER stuff. The stuff Kira put her up to. Kira glares - she thought they had an arrangement, that the 'other stuff' would come free as long as the lady was hot. Jade says that WAS the arrangement, however that was before Kira made a video of them in move. That wasn't important for their arrangement, and she could cause problems assuming that sort of video courses.
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