
Girlsway - Role Models: Dress For Success

Publish Date:05.12.2022
Aidra Fox is anxious about seeing her manager today. Dee Williams is an astonishing, persuasive lady and Aidra loves working underneath her. All Aidra can trust is that being brought in by Dee today is Something to be thankful for.

At the point when she gets together with Dee, Aidra is glad to discover that she's doing very well inside the organization! So well that Dee is thinking about having her deal with another area they're opening! In any case, the main thing preventing Dee from advancing Aidra at that moment is Aidra's fashion awareness. It's just plain obvious, despite the fact that Aidra dresses... COOL... it's not exactly the look their clients answer well to.

Aidra's deepest desires are squashed as she concedes that she doesn't know how to change that. Luckily, Dee is really quite glad to impart an additional outfit to her to assist Aidra with accomplishing the fruitful look the organization needs for her - - what DEE needs for her. She Maintains that Aidra should succeed and perhaps be HER manager one day!
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