
Girlsway - Cougariffic: Sugar Sponsor

Publish Date:08.01.2023
Three youngster companions, Emily Willis, Leah Lee, and Vina Sky, are going house to house searching for backers for their school outing to France. They've previously been to soooo many houses yet aren't having a lot of karma. It appears as though they're very nearly passing up an astonishing class trip! Be that as it may, they have another house to attempt...

At the point when Kenzie Taylor opens the entryway, she is past satisfied to have such countless charming young ladies on her doorsteps. She in a flash permits them inside to hear more about their excursion. Obviously, the more the teenagers discuss the excursion, the more they understand that Kenzie is stricken with them... perhaps fantasizing about them! Still up in the air to get her sponsorship, the youngsters hold nothing back.
Kenzie is euphorically overpowered as the teenagers guilefully tattle about how they most anticipate sunbathing in France in their adorable little swimsuits. It'll be so decent having such countless sweethearts close by to assist with scouring the moisturizer all around their half-stripped bodies, as well. It seems like they have Kenzie at their mercy yet there's only another thing they can do to make it happen truly...
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